Fiesta For Mac

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  2. Fiesta Macaroni And Cheese
  3. Fiesta Online Download For Mac
  4. Rhee Drummonds Macaroni And Cheese

The new Fiesta is built from scratch and it’s actually using multiple cores or hardware acceleration your Mac provides. Thanks to that, you can use more than 20 lasers from one computer using our new Fiesta for Mac. And there are of course artistic reasons. Fiesta Online No Pay2Win Classic Fiesta Active Staff Fiesta Private Server Trickster Lucky House Auction House Instances No Dupes Balanced Classes Frequent Updates Player's Kingdom old school fiesta. Top 100 Private Servers of the OldSchool MMorpg Fiesta Online. Fiesta for Mac: Moncha: Fiesta: Artnet Guru: Moncha: Fiesta NET: Software: Hardware: Previous Next. Laser show software everyone can use: Do you want to create amazing laser shows? And do you already hate complicated laser show software? Showtacle software and controllers are developed by people like you, laser show fanatics. We focus on what.

Fiesta for MAC

Category: Laser software

Introducing our latest laser show software – Fiesta for Mac.

Here you can find a little promo video for the software:

There are couple of reasons. The most important is, we want to use our MacBook PRO, MacBook Air or iMac for laser shows. And not over some stupid Dual boot or Parallels – we want to use native application in our most favorite operating system – Apple Mac OS.

But there are also “laser show” reasons. The laser business has changed in recent years a lot. And let’s be honest… if you use just one or two lasers in your shows, nobody will care. It’s not interesting anymore. We want to use 5, 10 or more than 20 lasers in our shows. You can see a lot of shows using so many lasers. But we call “copy/paste laser shows” most of them. All the effects are the same for every laser. You can just use Y-ILDA splitter cable and the shows would look the same. Why using separate controller in every laser, if you don’t actually send different image to every laser? The reason is, it’s not so easy to create slightly different scene for every laser in present laser show software.

“Copy-paste” laser show effects – why using separate controllers if you can do the same with ILDA splitter?

There were also performance issues connected to present laser show software. Even our older Moncha or Fiesta are running on 10-years old core, which is let’s be honest – not as fast as it can be on present hardware. The new Fiesta is built from scratch and it’s actually using multiple cores or hardware acceleration your Mac provides. Thanks to that, you can use more than 20 lasers from one computer using our new Fiesta for Mac.

And there are of course artistic reasons. We’ve been experimenting a lot with LaserMatrix or MonchaMatrix in the past to enable creating multi-laser effects easily. But it was not always easy to use them. Fiesta for Mac comes with a completely new user interface, which is focused on effectivity when creating new laser shows.

User interface reflects your dark/light mode in latest Mac OS Mojave

A lot :) ...

New user interface

Well a lot. You’ll have to get used to new user interface, which works a little different from our previous products. But we think, the changes are for better. In my experience, you’ll get used to it in a few minutes.

Creating scenes

The main change you’ll notice is the new way of creating laser show scenes. Now you can use complete timeline in every scene of banks. Generally, all the scenes of banks are a little (or big?) shows. But don’t be afraid of complexity – the speed of creation is not very different from previous Fiesta or Moncha interface.

Fiesta Macclesfield

Timeline is used to create also basic bank scenes

The most important feature you’ll use when creating new scenes is the animation stacking. You can stack multiple animations below every event, which generates image/graphics. And this allows you to create complicated laser show movements.

Fiesta For MacFiesta For MacRhee

Precise animation control

Almost every property of every type of animation can be now changed in time. And not just like “change from 0 to 1” anymore. You can define precise time-curve for every animation property. Yes, you can finally change period of your wave in time :) …

You can define keyframe curve for almost every property of your transformation/animation

Groups/tree effects

If you remember the tree interface from Fiesta, it’s still present. But it’s not so “mathematical” anymore (I’m mathematician by my origin, sorry for that :) ). We’ve been inspired here by Premiere (or any other video editor). You can now create groups and within groups you can create complete scenes. And once you have the group in the timeline, you can stack more animations below to change the animation of whole group. Simple, but very powerful.

What’s also amazing, you can control the phase/time of the group within the timeline. This allows you to accelerate/deaccelerate your scenes (or just part of them).

Color effects

Maybe you don’t know our LED Strip Studio brand. It’s a complete system to control digital LED pixels or LED strips. And it’s using very powerful coloring effects.

New color effects are just great for mapping

We’ve used and improved these (originally LED) coloring features in new Fiesta for Mac as well. Now you can finally color your laser-mapping frames using 2D circle or rectangle shapes. But it’s great even if you use it just for any beam shape (especially great for circle or triangle).

Multi-laser support

As I told you in the beginning, we’d like to use 5 or more lasers for our shows. That’s why there are lot of nice tools available in new Fiesta for Mac for you to create amazing multi-laser effects.

It looks a lot better if the laser scene is slightly different for every laser

My most favorite is the time offset event. It’s working so simple I could not even talk about it :) … You just drop the time offset animation before your other animations and all the remaining animations are slightly (or much) moved in time for every laser. Great especially for rotating animations.


This is probably a topic for separate article. This tool allows you to split your laser graphics or beam effects into multiple lasers anyway you want. You can define your own layout – which means position, size and even screen mapping of every laser drawing area separately.

In layouts you can define drawing area position, size and screen mapping for every laser separately

Fiesta online for mac

What’s nice, you can have one hardware laser included in multiple layouts. This is great, because you can split your graphics vertically, horizontally or any other crazy way using the same laser(s). And what’s even better – you can set, which layout will be used in timeline (layout splitter is generally animation in timeline).

Animation library

Fiesta Macaroni And Cheese

If I have to choose the one tool, which is the most important in the new Fiesta, I would definitely choose animation library. “But it’s just a library” I can already hear you saying. No, it’s a creation tool on steroids.

Animation library can store graphics, animations, … basically everything you use in timeline.

Fiesta Online Download For Mac

You can now store not just amazing color effects, rotations or any other animations in the library. You can store the complete scenes there (no matter if it’s your laser graphics, basic shape or complete animation with graphics). And you can use it in scenes or shows as well.

I know it sounds like a logical way of how it should work in every software. Well, now it does.

Integrated graphics editor

Rhee Drummonds Macaroni And Cheese

I still think, Quazar 2 is the best draw editor for laser graphics (anyway, I might be biased here, since it’s my first laser show baby :) ). Well, was. Thanks to direct integration of the editor inside laser show software, your laser mapping will be done in seconds.

New editor is integrated directly in the laser show software

And you can still use the tools from Quazar – Bezier curves (yes, the basic tool in CorelDRAW, Illustrator or any other graphics software) and you can now create animations as well. Just all you need for laser graphics.

What took you so long?

The question you might ask, why it took us so long to develop the new software. Well, we’ve had some other fights to finish and we’ve redesigned quite a lot since we’ve started the development of Fiesta for Mac. But some features just require time to test and improve. And I think all the features you’ll find in new Fiesta are the core of what you need to create amazing laser shows. So, go ahead – download the demo, try it and if you like it – we have a really nice new hardware you can use it with ;) … till next time.